For the month of August 2024, when you sign up for either of the Summer pool workout times at Northside CP HS, you are also eligible to participate in Summer open water workouts, located at Ohio Street beach, just North of Navy Pier.
The workouts will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, at the ledge alongside the beach, weather permitting. (400 North and 600+ East) and as the coaching schedule permits.
These workouts utilize the CPD open water course inside the breakwater and running North-to-South along the wall. The water is not deep and there are ladders at approximate 100-meter intervals for a distance of 1/2 mile.
Parking is spotty. Do not park in the Navy Pier lot if you drive. Biking is recommended. There are a number of bike racks available (first come first served), and lockers for valuables (first come first served). You are responsible for the protection of your property, I being concerned with coaching the swimmers in the water.
Workouts are expected to be available during the month on an irregular basis, weather permitting, which will be published during the week before. You can call or email the coach first before showing up.